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About - Professional Master in Automation and Process Control

Publicado: Segunda, 23 de Outubro de 2017, 16h51 | Última atualização em Segunda, 23 de Outubro de 2017, 16h58


About the program


The main objective of the program is to train qualified professionals able to execute technical-scientific works in the field of Automation and Process Control on industry and research institutions.

During the course, the students must autonomously develop research activities, systematizing the acquired knowledge, and, at the end, presenting a master thesis showing a deep understanding of a specific subject. This monographic work can be replaced by equivalent products, like computer programs, prototypes or a patent registration developed over the course.

In this way, it is expected from the course:

  • To train Masters in Mechanical Engineering able to deal with measure, analysis, treatment, parameters and variables identification techniques needed by dynamic control systems, continuous process or manufacture automation modeling and developing;
  • To develop scientific and technological research in the corporative sector, leading to the adoption and fomento of technological innovations and to the register of patents and brands resulting from those applied researchs.;
  • To bring benefits to IFSP faculty, researchers and courses for the coexistence and exchange of ideas and knowledge of professionals working in the local companies.

At the time of the beginning of the program, CEFETSP was transformed into IFSP - Federal Institute of Education, Science and Technology of São Paulo - through law 11.892 / 08. Since then, the Institute is undergoing a strong expansion, with several purchases of machinery and equipment expected to meet the needs of research and graduate studies. In the same sense, the expansion will also make possible the increase the number of Doctors in the IFSP staff and several studies are underway that will allow a better interaction of the local companies with the IFSP, increasing technological innovations and research supported by the productive sector. In addition, there is a strengthening of research and graduate studies with the creation of various administrative structures to support them.

In this scenario, the tendency is the program affirmation within the IFSP itself and the improvement of the quality of its courses, adding more teachers and definitively consolidating research and post-graduation stricto sensu in the institution.

Concentration Area: Engineering III

CAPES Reviews (Portuguese):



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